Bet you wish you were my boss…

June 24, 2011 § Leave a comment

She got this for her (un)birthday today:

Wait 'til you see the inside!

Oh, yeah. That's a cake, right there.

I saw this post come across my Twitter feed a few months ago and promised The Boss I’d put one together for her. Alas, I confused the dates of her birthday (and also was out of the office last week when her real birthday happened), so I put this one together for her this morning. It is as delicious as it looks. However, unlike the original blogger , I find whipped cream a giant pain in the ass to frost with. I’m just sayin’.  Also, protip: don’t construct the cake on a lipped paper plate. There will be absolutely no way for you to cut and serve a neat slice (which is why there is no lovely and stylish picture of a slice).

A couple of notes on the recipe, which is a little light on details: For the whipped cream I just grabbed a couple 8oz. tubs of Cool Whip — I ended up using every bit of both tubs. For the strawberries I bought a 2 quart container and again ended up using every single strawberry (except for that one that I sneaked while I was cutting them up).

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